
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Planet Isn't Disposable, Why Should Our Society Be?

Reuseit Reusable Set
Unless you grow your own food or dumpster dive, grocery shopping is sort of a must.  A friend of mine has the habit of throwing everything -- including produce -- into her cart and then into her car; no bags of any kind.  I just can't wrap my brain around that.  The way I see it is that I just spent precious money on this food and I need to keep it safe and protected until it can be safely stowed away in my kitchen.  For me, this requires so sort of capsule to store it all in.

Yes, this entry is about reusable shopping bags.  Reusable shopping bags are a great way to cut down your plastic impact on the environment.  With the use of reusable bags, less plastic bags are ending up in landfills where they pollute the ground and never break down.  Also, if your concerns are a little bit closer to your own comfort than the environmental impact of plastic, look at it this way:  reusable bags are meant to last which means they are not going to rip and tear like plastic bags.  Less hassle.

Grocery stores carry reusable bags.  Trader Joe's, has one design that is only 99-cents per bag.  My roommate has about ten reusable bags from Walmart that she uses for her grocery shopping.  If you want something that fits your personality or style or perhaps you are looking for specific materials, whatever the case may be, I recommend Reuseit.  They even have a thermal bag to keep frozen items cold.  Genius.  Many of these bags are made out of recyclable materials and even come in sets for your convenience.  Reusable things are the easiest way to limit your negative impact on the environment. 

For our own convenience, we've created this disposable culture and now we're drowning in it.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to be disposable.

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